Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts

Peace Lantern Procession

Dear Phillips Neighbors, All Who Came to Semilla’s Art Parties last Summer, and Everyone Else Who Digs Lanterns, Music and Peace! Please join us!

Join Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts in partnership with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for a lantern procession, community singing, live musical performances and dreamy video projection on Friday, Dec. 17th, 5:30-7:30pm starting and ending at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 2742 15th Ave. S. in Minneapolis. BYO LANTERNS IF YOU HAVE THEM. IF NOT, WE’LL HAVE SOME TOO.

Last summer we created hundreds of lanterns with neighbors in Phillips and now we are going to light the lanterns near the winter solstice to lead our way through the long winter night, bringing songs, togetherness, good cheer and intentions for peace to our neighbors. We will leave 2742 15th Ave. S. at 5:30pm walking north to 26th street, then west on 26th, then south on 14th Ave S. to 28th St. and come back east one block to the church. We will carry our lanterns with us and stop to sing/carol at a few neighbors’ houses along the route.

After the procession we will enter the church sanctuary to experience a contemplative space of peace and beauty with video projections by Nolan Morice, the sublime, ethereal music of Crystal Myslajek and friends, live folk music from Northern and Eastern Europe by Sarah Larsson and Kat Parent, and live folk music from South America by the mother-and-son duo, Ina Yukka.

With generous support from Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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